Monday, August 17, 2009

Era names (年号 nengou)

Chronological order: by starting date Alphabetical order
645 大化 Taika
650 白雉 Hakuchi
686 朱鳥 Hakuhou
701 大宝 Taihou
704 慶雲 Keiun
708 和銅 Wadou
715 霊亀 Reiki
717 養老 Yourou
724 神亀 Shinki
729 天平 Tenpyou
749 天平感宝 Tenpyou-kanpou
749 天平勝宝 Tenpyou-shouhou
757 天平宝字 Tenpyou-houji
765 天平神護 Tenpyou-jingo
767 神護景雲 Jingo-keiun
770 宝亀 Houki
781 天応 Ten'ou
782 延暦 Enryaku
806 大同 Daidou
810 弘仁 Kounin
824 天長 Tenchou
834 承和 Shouwa
848 嘉祥 Kajou
851 仁寿 Ninju
854 斉衡 Saikou
857 天安 Tennan
859 貞観 Jougan
877 元慶 Genkei
885 仁和 Ninna
889 寛平 Kanpyou
898 昌泰 Shoutai
901 延喜 Engi
923 延長 Enchou
931 承平 Shouhei
938 天慶 Tengyou
947 天暦 Tenryaku
957 天徳 Tentoku
961 応和 Ouwa
964 康保 Kouhou
968 安和 Anna
970 天禄 Tenroku
973 天延 Ten'en
976 貞元 Jougen
978 天元 Tengen
983 永観 Eikan
985 寛和 Kanna
987 永延 Eien
988 永祚 Eiso
990 正暦 Shouryaku
995 長徳 Choutoku
999 長保 Chouhou
1004 寛弘 Kankou
1012 長和 Chouwa
1017 寛仁 Kannin
1021 治安 Jian
1024 万寿 Manju
1028 長元 Chougen
1037 長暦 Chouryaku
1040 長久 Choukyuu
1044 寛徳 Kantoku
1046 永承 Eishou
1053 天喜 Tengi
1058 康平 Kouhei
1065 治暦 Jiryaku
1069 延久 Enkyuu
1074 承保 Jouhou
1077 承暦 Shouryaku
1081 永保 Eihou
1084 応徳 Outoku
1087 寛治 Kanji
1094 嘉保 Kahou
1096 永長 Eichou
1097 承徳 Joutoku
1099 康和 Kouwa
1104 長治 Chouji
1106 嘉承 Kajou
1108 天仁 Tennin
1110 天永 Ten'ei
1113 永久 Eikyuu
1118 元永 Gen'ei
1120 保安 Houan
1124 天治 Tenji
1126 大治 Daiji
1131 天承 Tenshou
1132 長承 Choushou
1135 保延 Houen
1141 永治 Eiji
1142 康治 Kouji
1144 天養 Ten'you
1145 久安 Kyuuan
1151 仁平 Ninpei
1154 久寿 Kyuuju
1156 保元 Hougen
1159 平治 Heiji
1160 永暦 Eiryaku
1161 応保 Ouhou
1163 長寛 Choukan
1165 永万 Eiman
1166 仁安 Ninnan
1169 嘉応 Kaou
1171 承安 Shouan
1175 安元 Angen
1177 治承 Jishou
1181 養和 Youwa
1182 寿永 Juei
1184 元暦 Genryaku
1185 文治 Bunji
1190 建久 Kenkyuu
1199 正治 Shouji
1201 建仁 Kennin
1204 元久 Genkyuu
1206 建永 Ken'ei
1207 承元 Jougen
1211 建暦 Kenryaku
1213 建保 Kempou
1219 承久 Joukyuu
1222 貞応 Jouou
1224 元仁 Gennin
1225 嘉禄 Karoku
1227 安貞 Antei
1229 寛喜 Kanki
1232 貞永 Jouei
1233 天福 Tenpuku
1234 文暦 Benryaku
1235 嘉禎 Katei
1238 暦仁 Ryakunin
1239 延応 En'ou
1240 仁治 Ninji
1243 寛元 Kangen
1247 宝治 Houji
1249 建長 Kenchou
1256 康元 Kougen
1257 正嘉 Shouka
1259 正元 Shougen
1260 文応 Bun'ou
1261 弘長 Kouchou
1264 文永 Bun'ei
1275 建治 Kenji
1278 弘安 Kouan
1288 正応 Shouou
1293 永仁 Einin
1299 正安 Shouan
1302 乾元 Kengen
1303 嘉元 Kagen
1306 徳治 Tokuji
1308 延慶 Enkyou
1311 応長 Ouchou
1312 正和 Shouwa
1317 文保 Bunpou
1319 元応 Gen'ou
1321 元亨 Genkou
1324 正中 Shouchuu
1326 嘉暦 Karyaku
1329 元徳 Gentoku
1331 元弘 Genkou
1334 建武 Kenmu
1336 延元 Engen
1340 興国 Koukoku
1346 正平 Shouhei
1370 建徳 Kentoku
1372 文中 Bunchuu
1375 天授 Tenju
1381 弘和 Kouwa
1384 元中 Genchuu
1390 明徳 Meitoku
1394 応永 Ouei
1428 正長 Shouchou
1429 永享 Eikyou
1441 嘉吉 Kakitsu
1444 文安 Bunnan
1449 宝徳 Houtoku
1452 享徳 Kyoutoku
1455 康正 Koushou
1457 長禄 Chouroku
1460 寛正 Kanshou
1466 文正 Bunshou
1467 応仁 Ounin
1469 文明 Bunmei
1487 長享 Choukyou
1489 延徳 Entoku
1492 明応 Meiou
1501 文亀 Bunki
1504 永正 Eishou
1521 大永 Daiei
1528 享禄 Kyouroku
1532 天文 Tenmon
1555 弘治 Kouji
1558 永禄 Eiroku
1570 元亀 Genki
1573 天正 Tenshou
1592 文禄 Bunroku
1596 慶長 Keichou
1615 元和 Genna
1624 寛永 Kan'ei
1644 正保 Shouhou
1648 慶安 Keian
1652 承応 Jouou
1655 明暦 Meireki
1658 万治 Manji
1661 寛文 Kanbun
1673 延宝 Enpou
1681 天和 Tenna
1684 貞享 Joukyou
1688 元禄 Genroku
1704 宝永 Houei
1711 正徳 Shoutoku
1716 享保 Kyouhou
1736 元文 Genbun
1741 寛保 Kanpou
1744 延享 Enkyou
1748 寛延 Kan'en
1751 宝暦 Houreki
1764 明和 Meiwa
1772 安永 An'ei
1781 天明 Tenmei
1789 寛政 Kansei
1801 享和 Kyouwa
1804 文化 Bunka
1818 文政 Bunsei
1830 天保 Tenpou
1844 弘化 Kouka
1848 嘉永 Kaei
1854 安政 Ansei
1860 万延 Man'en
1861 文久 Bunkyuu
1864 元治 Genji
1865 慶応 Keiou
1868 明治 Meiji
1912 大正 Taishou
1926 昭和 Shouwa
1989 平成 Heisei

An'ei 安永 1772-1781
Angen 安元 1175-1177
Anna 安和 968-970
Ansei 安政 1854-1860
Antei 安貞 1227-1229
Bunchuu 文中 1372-1375
Bun'ei 文永 1264-1275
Bunji 文治 1185-1190
Bunka 文化 1804-1818
Bunki 文亀 1501-1504
Bunkyuu 文久 1861-1864
Bunmei 文明 1469-1487
Bunnan 文安 1444-1449
Bun'ou 文応 1260-1261
Bunpou 文保 1317-1319
Bunroku 文禄 1592-1596
Bunryaku 文暦 1234-1235
Bunsei 文政 1818-1830
Bunshou 文正 1466-1467
Chougen 長元 1028-1037
Chouhou 長保 999-1004
Chouji 長治 1104-1106
Choukan 長寛 1163-1165
Choukyou 長享 1487-1489
Choukyuu 長久 1040-1044
Chouroku 長禄 1457-1460
Chouryaku 長暦 1037-1040
Choushou 長承 1132-1135
Choutoku 長徳 995-999
Chouwa 長和 1012-1017
Daidou 大同 806-810
Daiei 大永 1521-1528
Daiji 大治 1126-1131
Eichou 永長 1096-1097
Eien 永延 987-988
Eihou 永保 1081-1084
Eiji 永治 1141-1142
Eikan 永観 983-985
Eikyou 永享 1429-1441
Eikyuu 永久 1113-1118
Eiman 永万 1165-1166
Einin 永仁 1293-1299
En'ou 延応 1239-1240
Eiroku 永禄 1558-1570
Eiryaku 永暦 1160-1161
Eishou 永承 1046-1053
Eishou 永正 1504-1521
Eiso 永祚 988-990
Enchou 延長 923-931
Engen 延元 1336-1340
Engi 延喜 901-923
Enkyou 延享 1744-1748
Enkyou 延慶 1308-1311
Enkyuu 延久 1069-1074
Enpou 延宝 1673-1681
Enryaku 延暦 782-806
Entoku 延徳 1489-1492
Genbun 元文 1736-1741
Genchuu 元中 1384-1392
Gen'ei 元永 1118-1120
Genji 元治 1864-1865
Genkei 元慶 877-885
Genki 元亀 1570-1573
Genkou 元亨 1321-1324
Genkou 元弘 1331-1334
Genkyuu 元久 1204-1206
Genna 元和 1615-1624
Gen'ou 元応 1319-1321
Gennin 元仁 1224-1225
Genroku 元禄 1688-1704
Genryaku 元暦 1184-1185
Gentoku 元徳 1329-1331
Hakuchi 白雉 650-654
Hakuhou 朱鳥 686-
Heiji 平治 1159-1160
Heisei 平成 1989- ...
Houan 保安 1120-1124
Houei 宝永 1704-1711
Houen 保延 1135-1141
Hougen 保元 1156-1159
Houji 宝治 1247-1249
Houki 宝亀 770-781
Houreki 宝暦 1751-1764
Houtoku 宝徳 1449-1452
Jian 治安 1021-1024
Jingo-keiun 神護景雲 767-770
Jiryaku 治暦 1065-1069
Jishou 治承 1177-1181
Jouei 貞永 1232-1233
Jougan 貞観 859-877
Jougen 承元 1207-1211
Jougen 貞元 976-978
Jouhou 承保 1074-1077
Joukyou 貞享 1684-1688
Joukyuu 承久 1219-1222
Jouou 承応 1652-1655
Jouou 貞応 1222-1224
Joutoku 承徳 1097-1099
Juei 寿永 1182-1184
Kaei 嘉永 1848-1854
Kagen 嘉元 1303-1306
Kahou 嘉保 1094-1096
Kajou 嘉承 1106-1108
Kajou 嘉祥 848-851
Kakitsu 嘉吉 1441-1444
Kanbun 寛文 1661-1673
Kan'ei 寛永 1624-1644
Kan'en 寛延 1748-1751
Kangen 寛元 1243-1247
Kanji 寛治 1087-1094
Kanki 寛喜 1229-1232
Kankou 寛弘 1004-1012
Kanna 寛和 985-987
Kannin 寛仁 1017-1021
Kanpou 寛保 1741-1744
Kanpyou 寛平 889-898
Kansei 寛政 1789-1801
Kanshou 寛正 1460-1466
Kantoku 寛徳 1044-1046
Kaou 嘉応 1169-1171
Karoku 嘉禄 1225-1227
Karyaku 嘉暦 1326-1329
Katei 嘉禎 1235-1238
Keian 慶安 1648-1652
Keichou 慶長 1596-1615
Keiou 慶応 1865-1868
Keiun 和銅 708-715
Kenchou 建長 1249-1256
Ken'ei 建永 1206-1207
Kengen 乾元 1302-1303
Kenji 建治 1275-1278
Kenkyuu 建久 1190-1199
Kenmu 建武 1334-1336
Kennin 建仁 1201-1204
Kenpou 建保 1213-1219
Kenryaku 建暦 1211-1213
Kentoku 建徳 1370-1372
Kouan 弘安 1278-1288
Kouchou 弘長 1261-1264
Kougen 康元 1256-1257
Kouhei 康平 1058-1065
Kouhou 康保 964-968
Kouji 康治 1142-1144
Kouji 弘治 1555-1558
Kouka 弘化 1844-1848
Koukoku 興国 1340-1346
Kounin 弘仁 810-824
Koushou 康正 1455-1457
Kouwa 康和 1099-1104
Kouwa 弘和 1381-1384
Kyouhou 享保 1716-1736
Kyouroku 享禄 1528-1532
Kyoutoku 享徳 1452-1455
Kyouwa 享和 1801-1804
Kyuuan 久安 1145-1151
Kyuuju 久寿 1154-1156
Man'en 万延 1860-1861
Manji 万治 1658-1661
Manju 万寿 1024-1028
Meiji 明治 1868-1912
Meiou 明応 1492-1501
Meireki 明暦 1655-1658
Meitoku 明徳 1390-1394
Meiwa 明和 1764-1772
Ninji 仁治 1240-1243
Ninju 仁寿 851-854
Ninna 仁和 885-889
Ninnan 仁安 1166-1169
Ninpei 仁平 1151-1154
Ouchou 応長 1311-1312
Ouei 応永 1394-1428
Ouhou 応保 1161-1163
Ounin 応仁 1467-1469
Outoku 応徳 1084-1087
Ouwa 応和 961-964
Reiki 養老 717-724
Ryakunin 暦仁 1238-1239
Saikou 斉衡 854-857
Shouan 承安 1171-1175
Shouan 正安 1299-1302
Shouchou 正長 1428-1429
Shouchuu 正中 1324-1326
Shougen 正元 1259-1260
Shouhei 承平 931-938
Shouhei 正平 1346-1370
Shouhou 正保 1644-1648
Shouji 正治 1199-1201
Shouka 正嘉 1257-1259
Shouou 正応 1288-1293
Shouryaku 承暦 1077-1081
Shouryaku 正暦 990-995
Shoutai 昌泰 898-901
Shoutoku 正徳 1711-1716
Shouwa 承和 834-848
Shouwa 昭和 1926-1989
Shouwa 正和 1312-1317
Shuchou 大宝 701-704
Taihou 慶雲 704-708
Taika 大化 645-650
Taishou 大正 1912-1926
Tenchou 天長 824-834
Ten'ei 天永 1110-1113
Ten'en 天延 973-976
Tengen 天元 978-983
Tengi 天喜 1053-1058
Tengyou 天慶 938-947
Tenji 天治 1124-1126
Tenju 天授 1375-1381
Tenmei 天明 1781-1789
Tenmon 天文 1532-1555
Tenna 天和 1681-1684
Tennan 天安 857-859
Tennin 天仁 1108-1110
Ten'ou 天応 781-782
Ten'you 天養 1144-1145
Tenpuku 天福 1233-1234
Tenpou 天保 1830-1844
Tenpyou 天平 729-749
Tenpyou-houji 天平宝字 757-765
Tenpyou-jingo 天平神護 765-767
Tenpyou-kanpou 天平感宝 749
Tenpyou-shouhou 天平勝宝 749-757
Tenroku 天禄 970-973
Tenryaku 天暦 947-957
Tenshou 天承 1131-1132
Tenshou 天正 1573-1592
Tentoku 天徳 957-961
Tokuji 徳治 1306-1308
Wadou 霊亀 715-717
Yourou 神亀 724-729
Youwa 養和 1181-1182

Thursday, August 13, 2009

[Duet 0909] [Trans] Yamada Ryosuke

English trans: jump_daisuki
Vietnamese trans: Hanarok

Yamada Ryosuke

Ngày sinh: 09-05-1993
Chòm sao: Taurus
Quê nhà: Tokyo
Nhóm máu: B
Chiều cao: 163cm --> sao chỉ tăng được 1cm mà hem phải 10cm :rongra:
Cân nặng: 53kg <-- kái rỳ thế nài :buonnon: kưng ui, kưng dư mỡ lắm òi đó bít hem? :mohoi:
Tính cách: Thông thường thì hay có những suy nghĩ rất tích cực. Trông có vẻ lạnh lùng khi nhìn lần đầu tiên nhưng thực sự rất hài hước và thân thiện với mọi người. Biết nhiều lĩnh vực như trượt ván, chơi bida, ngắm sao trên mái nhà, đại loại là những cái như thế. Tôi không là người hoàn hảo nhưng tôi muốn làm thật tốt những thứ tôi biết làm.

Thời khóa biểu một ngày

05:00 Thức dậy
12:00 Đến trường
16:00 Chơi trượt ván
21:00 Ăn tối
23:00 Tắm
01:00 Ngủ

☆ Cuộc sống hằng ngày ☆

Khi tôi có giờ đến trường, mẹ hay gọi tôi dậy lúc 5 giờ rưỡi sáng nhưng tôi thường ngủ lại và dậy lúc 6 giờ hoặc 6 giờ 30. Ở trường, tôi thích không khí trong lành và không gian thoáng đãng trong suốt giờ ra chơi và nói chuyện với bạn để thoải mái. Khi về đến nhà, tôi chơi trượt ván và xem TV. Tôi xem xét lại cả ngày đã làm được gì khi đang ngồi trong bồn tắm. Tôi nghĩ về những việc đã xảy ra trong ngày khi tắm vòi sen khoảng 30 phút. Sau đó, tôi đi ngủ.

☆Thói quen ăn uống☆

Thực đơn một ngày
- Buổi sáng: Katsu don, súp miso
- Buổi trưa: Cơm hộp hamburger , bánh kếp
- Buổi tối: Shouga-yaki (thịt heo chiên với gừng) --> Sao dám ăn thịt đồng loại hả? :chui: , cơm, xà lách

Thức ăn yêu thích của tôi là thịt! Tôi thỉnh thoảng ăn thịt trong cả 3 bữa ăn. Mấy ngày nay, tôi ăn katsu-don với tỏi tôi yêu thích và súp trứng miso vào buổi sáng. Buổi trưa, tôi ăn hamburger, mì ống, và cơm hộp bento, bánh kếp dành cho tráng miệng. Vào buổi tối, tôi ăn shouga-yaki và xà lách. Tôi đã ăn quá nhiều thịt trong ngày nên tôi phải ăn thêm rau để cân bằng dinh dưỡng. Tôi có xà lách, quả lê và trứng làm bữa ăn ngon hơn.

--->Sao em ăn "ít" thế? :hoho:

☆ Tình yêu ☆

-Hãy cứ lộ vẻ ngốc nghếch mà không cần ấp úng gì cả.
-Hãy trung thực.
-Hãy ứng xử tự nhiên và là chính mình. --> Là chính mình thì có mà chết à :cuoideu: Trước mặt em mà bảo Lei và hãy là chính mìn thì cục kưng............coi như XXXXONG! :nghibayba:

Những cô gái năng động, người có thể làm khuôn mặt ngốc nghếch mà không ấp úng, ngại ngùng gì cả và hay nói đùa thì thật tuyệt. Nhưng thay vào đó, một cô gái luôn thích chứng tỏ mình, tôi nghĩ rằng tôi thích người kiềm chế khoe khoang nhiều hơn. Cô gái lí tưởng của tôi là người thành thật và tự nhiên. Không bịa đặt bất kì điều gì, tôi nghĩ tính cách tự nhiên thì tuyệt vời hơn hẳn tính cách quá nhiệt tình. Ngoài ra, tôi cũng thích cô gái đi vòng vòng và nói "Hm?" khi tôi gọi họ. Tôi có cảm giác thú vị "Oh!" (cười).

☆ Vấn đề thận trọng ☆

-Đánh thức tôi dậy một cách tế nhị. --> :sutrang: Giống mìn ghê, đứa nào ngu mờ làm mìn tỉnh dậy 1 cách vô ý thì.........:dam:
-Tránh những nơi tối tăm. --> Lei thjk những nơi tối tăm :nhamhiem:
-Không vào "ngôi nhà ma ám" vào ngày hẹn hò --> Lei mờ gặp được em thì phải cố bắt nó vào "nhà ma" với mìn bằng được. Vì thông thường khi sợ hãi người ta sẽ ôm chầm người bên cạnh thì phải :maucam: Á há há :hoho:
-Đừng tán dương tôi quá nhiều

Điểm yếu của tôi là tôi không phải là người thuộc về buổi sáng. Tôi mất 30 phút mới có thể tỉnh dậy. Tâm trạng tôi rất tồi tệ vào buổi sáng nhưng tôi muốn thức giấc thật tỉnh táo. Rất khó để tôi có thể thức dậy nhưng tôi lại rất dễ ngủ. Tôi không thể ngủ khi xung quanh là màn đêm, thế nên tôi bật đèn sáng rồi ngủ. Nói chung, tôi không thích bóng tối. Đó là lí do tại sao tôi không ưa "ngôi nhà ma ám" tí nào cả. Có lẽ đi chơi "ngôi nhà ma ám" là điều bất khả thi trong ngày hẹn hò? Tôi nghĩ được khen ngợi nhiều quá cũng là một điểm yếu. Tôi sẽ vui nhưng tôi không muốn được ngợi ca quá nhiều (cười).

Duet tháng nài phê lòi mắt, đọc bản trans của Hana xong sướng hem ngủ được :gianxao:

Sunday, August 9, 2009

[Potato][November 2007] Nakajima Yuto x Yamada Ryosuke


Nakajima Yuto vs. Yamada Ryosuke

Being Hey!Say!7's members' companions, these two who are of the same age have really always been close. This time, we have tried thoroughly comparing these two characters. Being rivals at the same time, they're also true close friends ne ♥

A single word exchange, please give an implied message of love!
Yuto: Nowadays, the chances of talking to you are slowly and steadily decreasing ne... Yama-chan looks busy with his drama series so I always think, 「It looks troublesome but do your best!」 Let's always be best friends ne, I love you!
Ryosuke: Even now, we've aaaaalways been close ne. From this point on that will not change, let's aaaaalways be close ne. We are best friends ne! (laugh) If we always hung out as best friends, I think I'd be happy!

If you were a girl, who would you want to date?
Yuto: That would be Yama-chan! Anyone could fall in love if one stares into those sparkling eyes of his♥ (laugh) I've seen them too and I thought they were cute, wouldn't all the girls fall in love with him?
Ryosuke: Of course it would be Yuto-kun~ He's kind and he looks dependable, I think there isn't a girl who wouldn't find him charming. Maa, but if there was only one way I would never give up too ne! If I was to like someone, I'd absolutely make only that person my first priority!

Whose height do you think is better to reach in the future?
Yuto: Eh~, this is hard. Now, even though I think being tall is better, I don't know what I'll be after this ne. Tomorrow, we'll have height measurement at school, so when I get measured I'll report it to you. (laugh) I want to reach around 177, 178cm!
Ryosuke: For that I choose Yuto-kun~ I'll be taller than the me who is currently 5cm shorter in an instant. In the future, even though I think 170cm is very typical, I wonder what height I'll be... Ma, whatever happens, I'll still grow. (laugh)

Who is the crybaby?
Yuto: Maybe this is me? Some time ago too, when I watched a movie, I unintentionally cried at the scene where the main character's best friend died... I also cried at the end of the summer Jr. concert at Odaiba. I may be weak when it comes to events that move me.
Ryosuke: Isn't this Yuto? He gives that feeling that he'll make his face look tough to not show that he hasn't fallen back, he probably has that image of crying instantly. Actually, when I watched a moving film with him a while back, it left a deep impression on him and he cried a loooooooot. (laugh)

Who laughs a lot?
Yuto: I guess that would be me. I really laugh at little things in an instant. For example, when I just saw a Jr. do a funny movement, I laughed even though I wasn't supposed to! After all, the things that make me laugh are ve~ry shallow ne. (laugh)
Ryosuke: Me! I'd never give it up. (laugh) Yuto-kun's reasons for laughing are definitely shallow but I'm even more shallow. (laugh) ...huh, but I haven't made Yuto-kun laugh out loud yet, ne? This time I'll absolutely make him laugh so I'll be prepared! (laugh)

If you two argued, who would apologize first?

Yuto: We don't argue~ But we both don't have stubborn personalities, so I think it would be bad if we didn't have the confidence to apologize. We'd probably apologize at the same time ne. Like 「Um~, I'm sorry!」 (laugh) It looks like we'll breathe at the same time too!
Ryosuke: Maybe... me? Maa, but Yuto-kun and I don't argue at all so I actually wouldn't know ne. Speaking of that, in the past, even though we had quarrels, after some time we'd talk naturally as if they never happened.

There is one piece of candy left. So, who will eat it?
Yuto: Maybe Yama-chan. I feel that I'd probably let him have it, like, 「It's okay, you eat it」 Otherwise we'll decide by janken ne. ...if the two of us won't eat it, we'll probably give it to someone nearby like Chinen (Yuri) eventually. (laugh)
Ryosuke: That would probably be me ne. Naturally if there was one last piece left I won't give it up~ (laugh) Rather, Yuto-kun is really kind when it comes to these kinds of things, so I absolutely think he'd tell me 「It's okay Yama-chan, I won't eat it」

If you were to switch places for one day, what would you want to do?
Yuto: I want to be Ryuu (the role Yamada plays in the drama 『Tantei Gakuen Q』)! (laugh) He looks like he has fun spending time with his co-actors. But the staff will probably say 「Doesn't Ryuu look weird today?」 (laugh)
Ryosuke: I don't do anything bad, but if it's Yuto-kun, they let him play around and do things like playing pranks ne. So if we were to switch places, I'd go to a lot of people and have fun carelessly playing a lot of pranks on them. (laugh)


How will you propose: Let me have your heart.
What is your charm feature: Chubby cheeks
How would others describe your personality: Like things his way and stubborn. Sometimes I don’t listen to my mom when she orders me to sleep early.
Hand and foot you are used to: Right.
Eyesight: Left 0.3 and right 0.2
Your weakness: Ticklish on the sides.
Something you are proud of: I can eat ice cream really fast. When Chinen and I were eating the ice cream, I already finished mine when Chinen is only halfway
Problem with your body: I seem to be chubby everywhere.
What underwear do you wear: Boxer brief
What do you sleep in: Sport jersey or T-shirt. Recently I slepp in long sleeve shirt since it is cold.
Your sleeping pose is: According to others it is very classic ^^.I often roll out of my quilt.
How long do you stay in the bath: 30 min. Even in the summer I love a nice long bath.
Where do you start washing: Left arm.
Who are you best at mimicking: Yamashita Senpai (Yamapi). Sometimes people say I sound like him.
Favorite shopping area: Harajuku
What do you usually buy at the convenience store?: Snacks, mostly gummy candies.
Most expensive thing you ever bought: A wallet. It costs 40000 yen but it would last long so it is worth it.
Your treasure is: My guinea pigs, rabbit and hamster. My house is like a zoo. My favourite game now is Biohazard.
What is something you should apologize for: None because I always apologize when I’ve done something wrong.
Favorite stylish accessories: Hats. I have 20 of them but I actually only wear 5.
Hair style you want to try out: Brown hair.
Your hobby right now: Computer games
Your motto: “To be washed away”. I think it is important that sometimes when I am being disagreed upon or told I am wrong I let things go.
Your favorite song: Kinki Kid’s Mafuyu no Panze.
Favorite color: White
Favorite movie: Biohazard
Favorite book: Yamada Yuusuke’s A-course and F-course, it was interesting
Favorite comic: Kurozu
Favorite ramen: Miso ramen
Favorite TV show: Currently Kinpachi 8. Oh! And 1 Pound Gospel (laugh)
Favorite food: Strawberry and eggplant.
Least favorite food: Natto, anything sticky and tomato.
Favorite emoticon: *smiley face* ^_^
Afraid of: Ghosts, dark places, airplanes. Too many?
You recently cried about: I haven’t cried recently.
You recently laughed about: When Keito was teaching me English on the bullet train, He suddenly shouted “Fuar!”
You are happy about: Our CD debut and the Tokyo dome concert.
You angry about: Ryutaro thinks too negatively.
What is a recent dream you had: I was in the world of Biohazard and fighting an enemy with bare hands.
A recent moment you jumped in: Yesterday when I was dancing during a recording.
Have you camped recently?: I’ve never camped nor skied before. What if a bear comes out?
The last time you used a shampoo: Yesterday. Shampooing three times is my obsession. (No wonder someone's hair looks like he is in a shampoo ad throughout the whole TGQ)
Your type of girl: Kind and honest girl.
You like her to…: Of course, smile.
Where will you date: The beach.
Ideal kiss situation: Where there are beautiful neon lights.
How would you confess to a girl?: Because I like you, so please go out with me.
What confession do you want to hear from a girl: Anything from which I can understand her feelings.
How would you want to be called by your girlfriend?: Ryosuke
Number of confession experience: 1 time in kindy.
What would you not want a girl to do?: To cheat on me.
What gift would you give a girl: A necklace.
A word from a girl that would make you happy: Thank you
A word from a girl that would shock you: Disgusting
How long would you wait for a late girlfriend?: 30 min. But why would anyone be late on a date?
Your first love: When I was in kindergarten.
When would you get married?: I think I will be late because I’m in the entertainment business. But I would love to get married by 25.
How many kids do you want?: 2 or 3
Anything you want to say to your feature wife?: I am very noisy but lets live a lively life.
Name for your kids: For a boy Tsubasa (feather)or Ku (Sky). For a girl Umin (Sea). I want a fresh feeling name.
What does your family call you by?: Ryosuke.
Your most memorable family holiday is: Hakone. I went in the hot springs. I want to go again.
Food your family famous for: Dumplings.
What do you call your parents by: Ka-chan for mom and To-chan for dad. When I want my dad to play with me I call him “big brother”
What was your breakfast today?: Tuna rice ball.
First memory you remember: My father chasing me in the mask of a Barutan alien. I was so scared.
Your Childhood dream is: Become Ultra-man but later on I wanted to be a soccer player.
The most serious injury you had: In a soccer practice I broke my right index and middle finger. Another time I failed doing a back flip and broke my right index and middle finger again as well as my little finger.
Talent classes you went when you were small: Soccer and Art classes.
Favorite place at school: My desk. I can sleep on it during breaks.
Favorite school lunch: Soy ramen.
Least favorite school lunch: (Some sort of fish that I have no idea).
Favorite subject: Everything other thant Japanese, Math and Society.
Lest favorite subject: Japanese math and society.
Favorite sport activity: 50m sprint because I’m always in the top 3.
Least favorite sport activity: Ball rolling
Responsibility in class: Health.
What do you do in your break time?: Sleeping or soccer.
The longest phone conversation: 40 min. Most of the time it ends in 2 seconds, like telling my mom I am coming home.
How many times do you mail in one day?: 6 times. Mostly family members.
How many mails are in saved in your mobile phone?: 80.
Place you want to go: England, where Keito used to live.
Respected person: Hikaru. Because he can control the muscles in his face.
Person you want to see the most: Domoto Koichi. When we were guests in “Shin Domoto Kyoudai” I was so nervous I couldn’t talk to him properly. Next time I see him I want to ask him to take me on a drive.
What do you desire now: Time. Because I have so many movies I want to watch.
Most respected Senpai: Koichi kun and Yamamoto Ryuta kun. Ryuta is the same height as me but have great dancing and acrobatic skills.
If you are the prime minister of Japan you will: I’m going to make prices cheaper. Especially clothes. It is just fabric.
What do you want to do most if you become a girl?: Talk in high voice.
You won $3billion, how would you use ot?: I’m going to be confused first. I would buy a Ferrari and go to the movies. The leftovers I would save.
What do you want to be if you were reborn?: I want to be a Johnny still.
Your house is on fire what is the first thing you do?: Grab my pets.
What would you do on the last day of Earth?: Sleep. If I sleep during death I won’t feel the pain.
Who do you want from HSJ to be your boyfriend?: Takaki kun. Because he is nice.
Who do you want from HSJ to be your son?: Keito. Because he is reliable and sometimes funny.
Who do you want from HSJ to be your older or little brother?: For older brother, Hikaru. For little brother, Ryutaro. Because both of them are really funny and I don’t think I would get bored with them.
What do you want to say to yourself in 10 years?: You are old.
HSJ’s top goal is: To have a concert at Tokyo dome again

14th Junior Contest on Myojo 03/2008

Most want to be boyfriend
1. Yamada Ryosuke --> i known, i known :hoho:
2. Nakjima Yuto
3. Takaki Yuya
4. Yabu Kota
5. Chinen Yuri
6. Hashimoto
7. Arioka Daiki
8. Kitayama
9. Yaotome Hikaru
10. Yokoo
10. Fujigaya

Most want to kiss
1. Yamada Ryosuke --> Yes, of course :)) Me too =))
2. Nakajima Yuto
3. Takaki Yuya
4. Chinen Yuri
5. Arioka Daiki
---> Hey Say Jump's perfect man :)) :)) :))

Would look best in drag
1. Yamada Ryosuke
2. Chinen Yuri
3. Kyoumoto
4. Tamamori
5. Hashimoto

Most gentle
1. Yamada Ryosuke :smile:
2. Nakajima Yuto
3. Arioka Daiki
4. Yabu Kota
5. Inoo Lei

Likes sweets the most
1. Yamada Ryosuke :maucam:
2. Chinen Yuri
3. Morimoto Ryutaro
4. Nakajima Yuto
5. Arioka Daiki

Seems most sincere in love
1. Yamada Ryosuke :yeughe:
2. Takaki Yuya
3. Nakajima Yuto
4. Arioka Daiki
5. Yabu Kota

Prettiest face
1. Yamada Ryosuke --> Noboby with out you :hongio:
2. Nakajima Yuto
3. Hashimoto
4. Takaki Yuya
5. Chinen Yuri

Most fashionable
1. Yamada Ryosuke :ohyeah:
2. Takaki Yuya
3. Kitayama
4. Nakajima Yuto
5. Yabu Kota

Seems cleanest
1. Yamada Ryosuke :votay:
2. Nakajima Yuto
3. Arioka Daiki
4. Yabu Kota
5. Inoo Kei

Would listen to my problems
1. Yamada Ryosuke :longlanh:
2. Nakajima Yuto
3. Yabu Kota
4. Arioka Daiki
5. Kitayama

Most calm tempered
1. Yamada Ryosuke --> :chuaoi:Oh no!
2. Arioka Daiki
3. Nakajima Yuto
4. Chinen Yuri
5. Takaki Yuya

Best cooker
1. Yamada Ryosuke :nuocmieng:
2. Yokoo
3. Nakajima Yuto
4. Takaki Yuya
5. Hashimoto

Most cry baby
1. Yamada Ryosuke :boiroi:
2. Chinen Yuri
3. Nakajima Yuto
4. Takaki Yuya
5. Arioka Daiki

Would be the best daddy
1. Yamada Ryosuke --> =)) I can not understand =))=))
2. Nakajima Yuto
3. Arioka Daiki
4. Yaotome Hikaru
5. Kitayama

1. Yamada Ryosuke ---> :nuocmieng: :nuocmieng: :nuocmieng: When i thinking of him, i.........:chetlun:
2. Takaki Yuya
3. Kitayama
4. Fujigaya
5. Yabu Kota

Want to go to kareoke together
1. Yamada Ryosuke --> Na ni? :mohoi:
2. Nakajima Yuto
3. Chinen Yuri
4. Yaotome Hikaru
5. Takaki Yuya

Would live the longest
1. Yamada Ryosuke :nhay:
2. Yaotome Hikaru
3. Nakajima Yuto
4. Chinen Yuri
5. Arioka Daiki

Looks best in kimono
1. Yamada Ryosuke :unghong:
2. Takaki Yuya
3. Kitayama
4. Yabu Kota
5. Arioka Daiki

1. Yamada Ryosuke --> Hikka! You're lose :wahahaha:
2. Yaotome Hikaru (--> i call him: Hikka )
3. Nakajima Yuto
4. Kawai
5. Fujigaya

1. Takaki Yuya
2. Fujigaya
3. Yaotome Hikaru
4. Nakajima Yuto
5. Yabu Kota

Most talkative
1. Nakajima Yuto
2. Yaotome Hikaru
3. Fujigaya
4. Yamada Ryosuke
5. Chinen Yuri

Most mysterious
1. Okamoto Keito
2. Miyata
3. Fukatsu
4. Chinen Yuri
5. Yamada Ryosuke

Eat the most
1. Okamoto Keito
2. Yaotome Hikaru
3. Fukada
4. Arioka Daiki
5. Takaki Yuya

Be my class representative
1. Nakajima Yuto
2. Inoo Kei
3. Yabu Kota
4. Yaotome Hikaru
5. Arioka Daiki

Be my pet
1. Chinen Yuri --> Agreed! :no1:
2. Yamada Ryosuke --> I don't want you to be my pet :cuoideu: i want you to be my........:giantra:
3. Morimoto Shintaro
4. Morimoto Ryutaro
5. Nakajima Yuto

Best style
1. Takaki Yuya
2. Nakajima Yuto
3. Yamada Ryosuke
4. Yabu Kota
5. Yaotome Hikaru

1. Fukada (ABC)
2. Yamada Ryosuke :xitmau:
3. Okamoto Keito
4. Yabu Kota
5. Takaki Yuya

Cries the most
1. Chinen Yuri
2. Morimoto Ryutaro
3. Morimoto Shintaro
4. Nakajima Yuto
5. Uekusa

1. Yabu Kota
2. Nakajima Yuto
3. Chinen Yuri
4. Arioka Daiki
5. Inoo Kei

Strongest in fights
1. Yokoo
2. Yamada Ryosuke :tiatia:
3. Nikaido
4. Kitayama
5. Kamei

Seems most selective in foods
1. Morimoto Ryutaro
2. Chinen Yuri
3. Morimoto Shintaro
4. Arioka Daiki
5. Kyoumoto

Most narcissistic
1. Takaki Yuya
2. Nakajima Yuto
3. Kitayama
4. Yamada Ryosuke :tinhtuong:
5. Yaotome Hikaru

Seems weakest in fights
1. Chinen Yuri --> Poor you, baby! :khocloc:
2. Moritomo Ryutaro
3. Miyata
4. Uekusa
5. Kyoumoto

Seems earliest to marry
1. Takaki Yuya
2. Kitayama
3. Nakajima Yuto
4. Yabu Kota
5. Yaotome Hikaru

Seems like he can see sprits
1. Chinen Yuri
2. Inoo Kei
3. Okamoto Keito
4. Fukatsu
5. Yaotome Hikaru

Seems like he wont return mails
1. Okamoto Keito
2. Takaki Yuya
3. Yaotome Hikaru
4. Yabu Kota
5. Arioka Daiki

Seems like he would like spicy foods
1. Yokoo
2. Yaotome Hikaru
3. Yabu Kota
4. Nakajima Yuto
5. Okamoto Keito

Seems rich/spoiled
1. Kyoumoto
2. Okamoto Keito
3. Chinen Yuri
4. Nakajima Yuto
5. Yabu Kota

Seems like a slowest runner
1. Morimoto Ryutaro
2. Chinen Yuri
3. Takaki Yuya
4. Uekusa
5. Miyata

Seems to have shortest temper
1. Kitayama
2. Nikaido
3. Yokoo
4. Okamoto Keito
5. Morimoto Ryutaro

Seems like quickest to give up
1. Morimoto Ryutaro
2. Takaki Yuya
3. Yaotome Hikaru
4. Okamoto Keito
5. Arioka Daiki

Best at magics
1. Yaotome Hikaru
2. Yamada Ryosuke --> Of course, I suspected nothing! :wink:
3. Nakajima Yuto
4. Senga
5. Yabu Kota

Seems to have longest phone calls
1. Takaki Yuya
2. Nakajima Yuto
3. Arioka Daiki
4. Yamada Ryosuke
5. Fujigaya

Be my big brother
1. Takaki Yuya
2. Arioka Daiki --> i really really want this! :yeu:
3. Yabu Kota
4. Nakajima Yuto
5. Kitayama

Be my younger brother
1. Chinen Yuri
2. Morimoto Shintaro
3. Morimoto Ryutaro
4. Yamada Ryosuke ---> No, i don't want! Never! :)) :)) :))
5. Nakajima Yuto

Be my sempai
1. Yabu Kota
2. Takaki Yuya
3. Yaotome Hikaru
4. Yamada Ryosuke
5. Kitayama

Be my friend
1. Nakajima Yuto
2. Yamada Ryosuke --> i can't leave it with us as just friends :thodai:
3. Yaotome Hikaru
4. Arioka Daiki
5. Chinen Yuri

Most forgetful
1. Morimoto Ryutaro
2. Yaotome Hikaru
3. Nakajima Yuto
4. Arioka Daiki
5. Chinen Yuri

Smartest looking
1. Inoo Kei
2. Yabu Kota
3. Yamada Ryosuke :tinhvi:
4. Nakajima Yuto
5. Okamoto Keito

Junior picks:

1. Nakajima Yuto
2. Yamada Ryosuke --> No problem, me too! :haha:
3. Yamasaki

Most talkative
1. Fujigaya
2. Nakada
3. Kawai

Most mysterious
1. Fukatsu
2. Miyada
3. Goseki

Eat most
1. Nakata
2. Yamada Ryosuke ;))
3. Morimoto Ryutaro

(If i were a girl) Most want as boyfriend
1. Yamada Ryosuke --> Once again, you win! :)) :)) :))
2. Totsuka
3. Nakama (kansai jr)

1. Yaotome Hikaru
2. Fujigaya
3. Hamanaka

Most likely to listen to problems
1. Yokoo
2. Fujigaya
3. Itou

Most fashionable
1. Nikaido
2. Nakata
3. Yamada Ryosuke

Credits : shin-shin127@lj
Edit: Lei

:haha: Ryochan! Congrats for being the no. 1 in 20 categories :hoho:

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